Legal Services in Latvia
In the Republic of Latvia like in any other country of EU all various operating legal ventures and law enterprises may offer and provide a general scale of legal services to the customers who need a professional legal help starting from any legal entity registration to making up of all the necessary documents that regards real estate purchase, accounting service providing, property inheritance issue arrangement, and many other legal actions. Within a big scale of performing legal works each law company has its own specialization field in which is more competent by solving arising law issues, so it can provide much more efficient services to all persons interested in.
Mentioned above a wide range of legal services may include itself the following practices, works and activities that can be useful to each applying person :
Registration of legal entity on grounds of any organizational form in Latvian territory; visa arrangement (tourist visa, Latvian Schengen visa, Latvian national visa); licensing of business activities; assistance in preparation of the necessary documents aiming to obtain corresponding licenses; legal advice on national and international corporate law; help in opening a corporate bank account; venture stamp manufacturing ; an arrangement of the Latvian company internal documentation; providing an information on real estate in the territory of Latvia, the search for real estate objects in this country; legalization of various and appropriate documents (for e.g., the certificates of birth, marriage, divorce, (non)criminal record note issued by local authorities, diploma or certificate confirming the purchase of education degrees -Bachelor, Master or PhD study programs), and etc.
Collaborating with the national translation agencies and notary offices private law companies of Latvia may also assist with any type of documents translations into the local national language and such documents legalization to customers. Third World foreign citizens also can expect a legal help service service provision that relates the processing of all the necessary documentation in order to purchase at first Latvian temporary residence permit as well as receive an assistance in preparation of the documents to renew or extend a current Latvian temporary residence permit by providing them to appropriate national authorities (for e.g., Migration Office branches in the Republic of Latvia).
Legal services in Latvia are accessible to everyone – whether You are a local national or foreign citizen despite Your race, belief or residence place, or other specifications. Any applying person can expect to get a professional legal assistance on arising different legal issues. Therefore, for such issues on legal basis You are welcome to operating law firms and legal companies in Latvia that can grant a professional advice and offer a mutual best solutions.
In a new annual report “Doing Business” of World Bank for year of 2014, which characterizes general business environment as well the conditions on doing business in the world, Latvia is in 23th position. There were estimated following business environment indicators, such as terms of company registration, getting a credit, investor rights protection, enforcement of contracts, purchase of permits for licensed activity, and other information about business in Latvia. Doing business in Latvia remains a stable factor that allows to foreigners successfully invest and engage in desired activity.
Our international enterprise with a network of branches operating in a several EU countries offer a wide range of legal services that includes setting up, expansion and management of any business in Latvia (e.g., formation and new company registration, assistance in acquiring of ready made business as well as provision of market researches on a specific business industry in Latvia and etc.), also the business immigration services (preparation of all the necessary documents to obtain or extend a residence permit on the basis of company registration on purpose to live, work and thus freely move throughout the Schengen territory, foreigner employment services including them into Your company, and etc.).