Getting EU Сitizenship as the Second Citizenship
Are you a non-EU citizen looking for a way to live and work in the EU without restrictions?
Because only EU citizens have the right to live and work in Europe without restriction, the easiest way to living and working in the EU is to claim for second citizenship – the EU citizenship. Many times, there are no language or residency requirements, and applications for repatriations are processed quickly. Citizenship from an EU country would then entitle and allow you to apply for an EU passport.
You may acquire the EU citizenship as the second citizenship by living in an EU country legally with a residence permit and going through naturalization. It is only the qualifying number of years of residence that differs from country to country. Herewith, you are to hold a permanent residence permit, legally issued and maintained. A substantial strictly physical presence during that period is required, as well as sufficient knowledge of the country’s official language and proof of the financial welfare.
If you are married and/ or have a child with an EU citizen, all legitimate non-EU spouses and minors of EU citizen are entitled a residence/ work permit, which essentially grants the same rights and privileges as an EU resident. There is no automatic way of getting EU citizenship through marriage due to fake marriages, bribery and fraud. However, it should be noted that not all EU countries allow double citizenship.