Residence permit for self-employment
Foreigners whose intend to start and run a business in Germany being abroad can apply for Schengen visa ( that valid from the time it is issued for 90 days per 180 days term) . If aliens wants to run bussines as shareholding-directors living inside Germany they will need to apply for self-employment residence permit. However, there may be limitations as to what business you can set up or what type of work to engage and where you can do it. In other words, your residence permit may restrict you to a certain type of self-employment in a certain geographical area. This decision is up to the local authorities. When applying for self-employed residence permit you will need to show business plan which will demonstrate how your future business will benefit the German economy and other related documents that proves your business reliability.
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Foreigners Office can ask foreigner to submit some kind of the documents as well it may also consult the Chamber of Commerce or other related organisations to consider whether the business foreigners propose to set up is both sufficiently specialised and economically viable. If business plan will be approved by the relevant authorities, foreigners will be issued a residence permit. Family members or spouses that are seeking to become self employed or work in Germany must also take a number of steps in order to fulfil legal obligations.Afterwards foreigners obtained self-employed residence permit they need to classify what type of business they will run or in what type of job they will work as a Trade as a Freelancer as a Craft and other.Self-employment residence permit could be issued for three years and renewed if business will be running successfully.For residence permit on self-employment basis you can apply in Germany immigration office at the local place (if you are legally in Germany with visa) or in Germany embassy in your origin country.
Residence permit on employment basis
If you are willing to employ as a worker that does not need high qualification skills or high education but you have a profession qualifiaction (non-qualified persons will not be issued residence permit) and your qualification is recognized by relevant Germany institutions (if Germany institutions will estimate that you need to update your qualification matched to Germany law requirements they could but not always issue you up to 18 months permit to come to Germany for special qualification trainings to update your qualification in order to receive residency on working basis) you can apply for a residence permit on general employment basis.It is necessary foreigner to hold residence permit that allow him to work and live in Germany. Firstly, the position of the work should be offered to Germany or Eu citizens after that if there will be no Germany or Eu citizens candidates foreigner can apply for offering job possition.Applying for residence permit on general employment basis you will need to submit documents proving your profession qualification as well an employment contract or letter from work place of intention to employ foreigner. Future employment contract with emloyer could be concluded and signed by being abroad or legally in Germany.Residence permit on general employment basis is issued for one year and could be renewed if you will be still working in Germany in your qualification position.For residence permit on self-employment basis foreigner can apply in Germany immigration office (if foreigner is legally in Germany i.e have a visa) at the local place or in Germany embassy in foreigner origin country.
High qualification work
Highly qualified workers that are not from EU countries and intend to work as a high quality specialist should apply for EU BLUE card . Applicants must have a university or college degree and an employment contract with a Germany company. A qualified working contract needs to be presented and it needs to be clear that the annual gross salary is concrete stated in accordance with Germany law .University or college degree obtained not in Germany should be recognized by Germany institutions . If foreigner have a university degree that match high qualification and will have sufficient funds to cover living expenses foreigner can come to Germany on a six months residence permit to look for work if you received a job you will need to apply for EU BLUE Card.Residence permit on high quality work can be issued for four years.If foreigner have BLUE Card foreigners family members can come to Germany and work immediately without restriction or the need to prove German language skills, as well as receive all the other benefits.
Residence permit for family reuniting
Foreigner who is willing his family members to come to live in Germany together with foreigner firstly need to live in Germany legally by having residence permit as self-employed or having residence permit working on profession qualification basis or having BLUE Card.Spouse of foreigners that legally live in Germany if want to receive residency to live in Germany basic knowledge of Germany language i.e by introducing himself in Germany however it is not needed for spouse of foreigner who legally live in Germany to know Germany language if foreigner has a BLUE Card, foreigner is workin as a high professional worker in Germany or spouse has a university degree. If foreigner and his spouse legally live in Germany or if foreigner is single parent with legal custody children up to 16 will also receive residency to live in Germany if the children is under 16 there are more specific requirements. Foreigner spouse that received residence on family reuniting basis may work in Germany without any needed working permisions and a children may attend a school.Family members need to apply for residency on family reuniting basis in Germany embassy.After family members will receive residency. Foreigner must register them at residents registration office.