Вид на жительство (внж) в Литве

Купите действующий бизнес или зарегистрируйте филиал в Литве и получите ВНЖ на 2-3 года.

Продажа бизнеса

Помогаем купить действующий бизнес в Литве. Анализ финансовых документов. Опыт работы с 2005 года.

Литовская бизнес виза

Мы помогаем своим клиентам в процессе получения шенгенской (литовской) визы. Поскольку мы ответственно относимся к этой процедуре, она займет у Вас минимум времени.

Шенгенская виза на один год

Европейская виза позволит вам путешествовать и находиться в Шенгенской зоне без ограничений или с незначительными ограничениями. Мы несем ответственность за подготовку документов, необходимых для получения такой визы, позволяющей находиться в странах Шенгенского Договора. Хорошее знание законов Литвы позволяет нам быстро и качественно справляться с процессом. Мы не откладываем свою работу – мы делаем ее сейчас и на высоком уровне!


ВНЖ в Литве

Мы предлагаем получить временный вид на жительство (ВРП) в Литве в Европейском Союзе и в стране Шенгенского соглашения на основании деловой активности, которая позволяет вам жить и работать в одной из этих стран и, таким образом, свободно перемещаться по территории Шенгенского соглашения.

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Шаги по подаче заявления на онлайн-визу

Итак, как получить визу в Литву? Каковы преимущества деловой визы Литва? Неважно, планируете ли вы приехать в Литву по делам. возможности и инвестиции или просто исследование рынка, Литва привлекательна страна для иностранцев в обоих случаях

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Регистрация компании, подготовка документов для получения шенгенской визы и т. д.

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    Under current law in the Republic of Lithuania, investing in a business in Lithuania is a viable ground for immigration to Lithuania. Lithuania provides foreigners with the opportunity to come to Lithuania and reside here based on a legitimate activity, namely investing in a business to attract funds, effective working techniques, and fresh ideas. In addition, non-Lithuanians in Lithuania have the option of becoming shareholders in an existing legal company or finding their legal entity.

    Incorporating a business in Lithuania with BIZBON consultants will be a simple procedure that can be completed in as little as three days. This is why it is an attractive option for entrepreneurs who want to set up a new company with a minimum investment of time and money.

    Most areas of law in Lithuania are currently more conducive to conducting business and establishing new businesses. Businesses and their employees can take advantage of lower taxes than in other EU countries, access to specialist consulting services, and other administrative conveniences.

    • What are the different programs offered by Lithuania for business immigration?

      Several business immigration programs are offered in Lithuania, with the purpose of attracting business owners, financiers, and skilled employees to set up or expand their operations there. The following are some of Lithuania's most well-known commercial immigration programs:

      • D type Visa: This type of visa is designed for overseas entrepreneurs who wish to start a new business in Lithuania. One year Multiple-Entry Schengen visa D-Type. To receive it, you have to register a company in Lithuania with a capital of 28'000 Eur (can be induced 2-3 persons)
      • Temporary residence permit: Under this scheme, foreign nationals who have been offered work in Lithuania or are self-employed may be eligible for a temporary residence visa. The scheme permits applicants a 2-3-years temporary resident permit, with extensions allowed.
      • Permanent residence permit: A permit of a long-term resident of the Republic of Lithuania is a legal document that allows a foreign national to live there and attests to their status as a permanent resident. In order to get a Permanent Residence Permit in Lithuania (PRP), you will be required to live in Lithuania for five years as a Lithuania temporary residence permit holder, pay taxes, and pass the Lithuanian language and State Constitution knowledge exam.
      • Residence Permit by registering a branch company in Lithuania: If you are not a European Union citizen and have your own corporation or business that is not registered in the European Union, you can obtain a temporary residency permit for the Republic of Lithuania for 2-3 years. You are also welcome to bring family members. They can apply for temporary residency permits alongside you. They will be awarded temporary residency permits for the same period of time as you.

      Before applying to any of these programs for more information please contact BIZBON’s office. [email protected] 

    • What is the cost of a business immigration Visa to Lithuania?

      The kind of visa you need and the time it will take to complete are two factors that influence the cost of your Lithuania business immigration visa. In Lithuania, a variety of business immigration visas are available.

      • The National Visa D,
      • The Temporary Residence Permit, and
      • C type visa.

      Different visas have different prices and administrative requirements.

    • What are the basic eligibility criteria for a business immigration visa in Lithuania?

      The following are the qualifying criteria:

      • A passport or other kind of legal travel documentation.
      • To be considered for this, you must be the CEO, founder, or key investor of a Lithuanian firm.
      • You must own at least one-third of the enterprise's par value in shares.
      • The business must have a minimum of 14,000 EUR in invested capital and 28,000 EUR in equity.
      • Before applying for a residence permit, the Lithuanian firm must have been in operation for at least six months.

    • Can you bring your family along with you after business immigration to Lithuania?

      If you, as an applicant, have received your residency permit, then you may bring your family along with you; that means your husband or wife and children below 18 years of age will also be granted the same permit without going through any extra hustle or paying any extra taxes. It is important to know that the family members of the applicant are not required to be employed in Lithuania or hold any shares in the business or the company.

    • Is Business development in Lithuania attractive?

      Lithuania can be considered one of the best locations for business development in the European Union member states. It offers a variety of business-friendly options with a highly skilled labour force and support from the government via a low tax policy. The cost associated with setting up a business in Lithuania is very low, and the services offered at the same time for assisting in business development are less complex and quick.

    • How does business immigration to Lithuania help in the grant of residency?

      It is possible to get a temporary or permanent residence visa in Lithuania via business immigration. To entice international firm owners, investors, and specialists, the Lithuanian government has devised several programs and incentives.The Lithuanian D type visa is the most popular business immigration program. This type of visa is designed for overseas entrepreneurs who wish to start a new business in Lithuania. Other programs, such as the Lithuanian Business Visa and the real estate investment program, provide non-EU nationals with the opportunity to get a temporary or permanent residency visa.

    • Is residency a requirement for founders of any business in Lithuania?

      The business founders in Lithuania do not have to be permanent residents. Anyone, Lithuanian or not, may establish and run a successful company or business. A residence permit, on the other hand, may be required for a foreign citizen who desires to start a company and stay in Lithuania for an extended period.The kind of residency permit required depends on the individual's personal situation and the nature of their business. A foreign citizen who desires to create a business and participate as a director or shareholder may be eligible for a temporary residence visa. A foreign citizen who has successfully started a business in Lithuania and has lived there for a specified amount of time may be eligible for a permanent residence visa.Although there is no explicit residency requirement in Lithuania for business founders, foreign nationals who intend to create and operate a firm in Lithuania may need to apply for a resident visa. Bizbon is able to assist you throughout the entirety of the process of establishing a company in Lithuania, beginning with the first step of the initialization phase and ending with the final step of the completion phase along with the residence permit, visa and other related services.

    • Is immigration to Lithuania for business beneficial?

      The professional benefits of Business immigration to Lithuania include the following:

      • Lithuania has an online company registration procedure, but foreigners may have a hard time getting along with this online process in light of their unfamiliarity with the interface and the required documents in Lithuania,  however, with Bizbon, you can complete your online company registration in no time. Starting a business is made easier with the help of Bizbon as we are equipped with the resources and knowledge of the process; we assist in the application and arranging all other legal documents.  
      • Lithuania's tax rate on personal and corporate income makes the nation an enticing site for businesses, making it one of the European Union's countries with the lowest tax rates.
      • Employing Lithuanians who are both highly educated and committed to technical innovation may provide your organisation with a competitive advantage.
      • Lithuania's membership in the European Union provides its enterprises with access to a growing market of more than 500 million people, as well as a range of financial possibilities and other resources.
      • Tax incentives, grants, and subsidies are just a few ways the Lithuanian government assists and recruits businesses.

    • What is business immigration?

      Business immigration refers to persons who relocate to a new country to create, grow, or manage a business. Starting a new business, purchasing an existing business, or transferring employees to a subsidiary or branch of an existing one are all instances of business immigration.Register a new company in Lithuania and apply for 1 year national D type visa immediately. Company registration takes 2-3 weeks. The company can be registered remotely (not necessary to come to Lithuania). After 6 months you can apply for a Temporary Residence Permit in Lithuania for 2 years.Alternatively, you can buy an existing company and get a residence permit to live in Lithuania with your family.


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    Многолетний опыт работы позволяет нашим специалистам объективно рассматривать и оценивать любую ситуацию. Мы решаем все возникающие бизнес-проблемы и иммиграционные проблемы индивидуально в рамках профессионального штата, состоящего из аудиторов, юристов, бухгалтеров и бизнес-консультантов.
